Evidence-Based Process
We perform a risk assessment of your laboratory that verifies:
- Inward directional airflow
- Functioning decontamination systems
- Building Automation System performance
- Functioning alarms
- Certified HVAC HEPA filters
- Exhaust fan motors are checked and routine maintenance is conducted
- Laboratory has no unsealed penetrations
- Operational drench showers, eyewash stations, and hands-free sinks
- Working air flow detectors
- Biosafety policies and procedures

How Certification/Verification Achieves Your Goals
Since we provide an outside perspective, our independent process is a necessary precaution that prevents incidents within a lab. Ideal equipment performance, airflow, decision-making, and other policies are all a part of a culture of safety we hope to encourage!
By certifying your lab, you can:
- Evaluate inward directional airflow without putting the Building Automation System at risk by using our NIST-certified equipment.
- Verify equipment is working properly including alarms, decontamination systems, HVAC HEPA filters, autoclaves, etc.
- Reduce lab shutdown time through efficient and process-driven testing.
- Drive management-level decision-making through a thorough risk assessment to forecast operations and maintenance needs.
- Benchmark biosafety policies and procedures against the industry and incorporate best practices.
- Engage with our experts with one year of reach-back services. We’re just a phone call or email away.

World BioHazTec is an Accredited Provider (AP) of the International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET). As an IACET Accredited Provider, World BioHazTec offers IACET CEUs for its learning events that comply with the ANSI/IACET Continuing Education and Training Information.